Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero

Angle's Return - Eddie's Revenge

115 Oracles have spoken

Kurt Angle
Kurt Angle
(52 predictions - 45.22%)
Eddie Guerrero
Eddie Guerrero
(63 predictions - 54.78%)
Result:Kurt Angle wins

Prediction:Eddie Guerrero
Prophecy:Not losing it to Angle just yet.Sure Angle IMO was the big let down to Smackdown!.He really could've helped out Judgement Day and definitley wouldve made GAB seem excellente.Oh well,atleast he returns at WWE's 2nd biggest PPV.I think Luther will interefere,but Eddie will "Lie,Cheat,and Steal" his way to victory like he did at WMXX to gain the win.
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:Kurt Angle...and he's gonna lie, cheat, and steal to win.
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:Get well soon Hurricane
Prediction:Eddie Guerrero
Prophecy:Eddie will have his sweet, sweet, and extra spicy vengenance... only at SUMMERSLAM!
Prediction:Eddie Guerrero
Prophecy: Eddie is the beterest wrestler since angle is injured and all
Prediction:Eddie Guerrero
Prophecy:Eddie is a much better wrestler than Angle, just because Angle has a gold medal, doesn't mean Eddie wont beat his ass all around Toronto! It will be a real easy match for Eddie to win, because once his Latino Heat kicks in there will be no stopping him.
Prediction:Eddie Guerrero
Prophecy:he has a lot of revenge on his mind.
Prediction:Eddie Guerrero
Prophecy:Eddie Beat Him Before And Will Beat Him Again.His Latino Temper Will Be Building Up From Being Screwed Out The Title.
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:kurt will beat eddie becoming the hhh of smackdown and domanitating the smackdown lineup
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:What would be the point in having Kurt Angle lose his return match? Besides Eddie Guerrero doesn't need anybody to get him over.
Prediction:Eddie Guerrero
Prophecy:eddie will get his revenge for every mindgames,sneak attacks , everything that kurt did to hm so eddie will win this. i promise that.
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:At first I thought Eddie would probably win this but I'm gonna go with Kurt on this one. He may win via cheating or some interference from Luther Reigns. I'm just going with my gut on this one.
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:Angle's gonna regain his superstar status
Prediction:Eddie Guerrero
Prophecy:just because I think wwe wants to keep eddie as a main contender.
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:Eddie Guerrero won at WrestleMania XX and so Kurt Angle will get his revenge and win at SummerSlam.
Prediction:Eddie Guerrero
Prophecy:I think Eddie could win that one, is frog splash from the top of the cage was awesome!
Prediction:Eddie Guerrero
Prophecy:Angle better get ready. I mean, Eddie is really mad at him for interfering in the cage match on Smackdown!.
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:Hard match to guess, but i think angle will make "latino heat" tap out,since Eddie won the last match they had together.
Prediction:Eddie Guerrero
Prophecy:hes taking time off for his injuruy so dont expect a high intense match
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:Can You Say D.Q. ? btw- The Fire Still Burns: Jeff Hardy Is In The NWA/TNA