The Raw Divas vs The Raw Diva Search Contestants
Diva Dodgeball
83 Oracles have spoken
Raw Divas
(66 predictions - 79.52%)
Raw Diva Search Contestants
(14 predictions - 16.87%)
(3 Predictions - 3.61%)
Result:Raw Diva Search Contestants wins
Prediction:Raw Divas
Prophecy:i love carmela!!!!
Prediction:Raw Diva Search Contestants
Prophecy:C'mon now we know nothing about these contestants and they probably pack a powerful throw.
Prediction:Raw Divas
Prophecy:They Can Wrestle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And This Search Is Annoyin Me They Need Their Butts Kicked To Show Them That None Of Them Are Diva Matiral!!!!!
Prediction:Raw Diva Search Contestants
Prophecy:The contestants will win because my girl Joy's got big knockers.
Prediction:Raw Diva Search Contestants
Prophecy:its will be an upset...
Prediction:Raw Divas
Prophecy:MY GOD!!! WHO CARES!!! Unless that redheaded Diva contestant loses her top... then I care. Otherwise... WHO CARES?!?!
Prediction:Raw Divas
Prophecy:They have been doing this for some time!
Prediction:Raw Diva Search Contestants
Prophecy:If TRISH is there of course they'll Win!!!
Prediction:Raw Divas
Prophecy:TOCC IS IT JUST ME OR IS EVERY1 PISSED OFF, WITH THE FACT THAT ROB VAN DAM 'RVD' Mr P-P-V is left off the card for a couple of SLAPPERS WHO WEAR WAY TO MUCH MAKE UP, i wish every1 of the divas would piss off apart from lita trish torrie and stacy
Prediction:Raw Divas
Prophecy:does this matter
Prediction:Raw Divas
Prophecy:I dont know if the wwe as plan a team to win or it will happen like it will happen
Prediction:Raw Divas
Prophecy:Please excuse me for being a guy here but who cares, its titties galore.
Prediction:Raw Divas
Prophecy:Ummmmmmm, no comment, OK
Prediction:Raw Diva Search Contestants
Prophecy:No one knows how strong the contestants are they could pack one heck of a punch for all we know!
Prediction:Raw Divas
Prophecy:This is going to be a technical wrestlefest, i expect a lot of chain wrestling, and Jerry the King to shout Puppies at least 16 times. And to have a heart attack due to his erection. That erection being a six foot model of the leaning tower o' pisa.
Prediction:Raw Divas
Prophecy:Who cares, really? Is this thing actually going to be scripted? Nevermind, I really don't care. Now just declare Maria the Diva Search winner and let's be done with it.
Prediction:Raw Divas
Prophecy:Get well soon Hurricane
Prediction:Raw Divas
Prophecy:I would prefer a mass beatdown of the Diva Search sluts but that isn't gonna happen since they haven't been trained to bump yet. I don't forsee management putting seven unsigned non-wrestlers (sic of whom will not be signed at all) overs signed talent, and on the very slight chance this isn't scripted, the Raw Divas would still probably win. Anyway, my feeling is part of the reason this match is taking place is to see how the Diva Contestants take losing.
Also, if you voted for Carmella you are a f***ing tool and I hate you. She puts zero effort into any of the promos and acts like she doesn't even want to be there. I'd say she has the charisma of a mop but that would be an insult to Perry Saturn's old valet. Say what you will about the others but at least they're trying and aren't acting like they're "above" this sort of thing, YET THANKS TO MORONS LIKE [name deleted], SHE'S PROBABLY GOING TO WIN!!!
Prediction:Raw Divas
Prophecy:Uhhhhh...cuz they can actually wrestle