Shelton Benjamin vs. Maven

Intercontinental Championship

85 Oracles have spoken

Shelton Benjamin
Shelton Benjamin
(63 predictions - 74.12%)
(22 predictions - 25.88%)
Result:Shelton Benjamin wins

Prophecy:This one is a tough call. Both men are moving up in the ranks so both would do well to win here. With his recent heel turn, Maven has an edge. I just don't know what Benjamin's next move would be without the IC Title.
Prediction:Shelton Benjamin
Prophecy:Maven sucks.
Prediction:Shelton Benjamin
Prophecy:Who remembers whem Maven was on HEAT? He was crap. He worked up to gain my respect, and blew it completely. And now he's back where he started, crap as ever.
Prophecy:The Tough enough season one winner.. He has a lot of good matches ... He willl win
Prophecy:Maven, he's over-due for a championship. Plus Maven is going to cheat.
Prediction:Shelton Benjamin
Prophecy:Shelton has not had the title long enough to lose. Altough the WWE is in the bad habit of making sucky people champion *cough* JBL *cough*
Prediction:Shelton Benjamin
Prophecy:Maven has only been given the heel push for the past... eh... month or so? Not time for the IC Title, many more title matches, but don't give him the title. Shelton's next feud should be with one of the guys who are in the EC. I say Benoit, both would put on a classic, or Edge could work.
Prediction:Shelton Benjamin
Prophecy:This is a tough one. Whoever loses here there big push is going to stop. Whoever loses you have to wonder where they are going to go from there. I'm kinda hoping Maven wins, but I dont see that happening.
Prophecy:He'll cheat to win.
Prediction:Shelton Benjamin
Prophecy:Tough call. Maven could win to solidify his heel status, but at the same time I think Shelton's title reigh will not be cut short. For now I go with Shelton (maybe a win by DQ), but I may change my mind any time.
Prediction:Shelton Benjamin
Prophecy:Shelton sucks...
Prediction:Shelton Benjamin
Prophecy:This is a close call to pick, but I'm going with the Champion to pin the Tough Enough Winner.
Prediction:Shelton Benjamin
Prophecy:This feud will last till Wrestlemania, which would be the perfect time for Maven to pick up the IC title and continue his elevation as a heel. I dont think he's ready for it until then, since these 2 have virtually just started their feud. Benjamin will retain in a close match. I agree about Benjamin's next move without the IC title...since the main title will be fought out between Orton/HHH/Batista for a while, there's no place for him in there. Surely he's far too precious to be sent to midcard hell.
Prediction:Shelton Benjamin
Prophecy:I dont know what it is but i like Maven and i definetly think he's a future champ,however, the IC title has lost its shine and it needs a few high profile matches,this isnt it!! (Think of past champs etc) Shelton to win
Prophecy:Taking a risk here. First Tough Enough Champ to win a real belt?
Prediction:Shelton Benjamin
Prophecy:I agree with Tocc. Maven has an edge because his character seems to be getting more development lately than Webster's character, but I don't think he will win the IC title just yet.
Prophecy:benjamin has had his three months. maven deserves some title time.
Prophecy: im just gonna say maven caus he is a great young talent.
Prediction:Shelton Benjamin
Prophecy:Maven doesnt deserve this shot Benjamin will win
Prediction:Shelton Benjamin
Prophecy:ok im not really sure about this cuz first of all sheltons been the champ 4 a bit too long but on the other hand he did beat hhh twice n on HIS OWN i dunno yet maybe ill give my decision a betta reason later