Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels

WrestleMania Rematch

99 Oracles have spoken

Kurt Angle
Kurt Angle
(16 predictions - 16.16%)
Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels
(83 predictions - 83.84%)
Result:Shawn Michaels wins

Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Michaels put Angle over at Mania. Time to return the favor.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:well it is the rematch and michaels needs a big PPV match so i am pretty confident that HBK will win here and i dont think this fued will go on for much longer because angle will go for HHH i reckon
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Angle will lose but he won't tap like michaels did. Erin619, you are not alone. I can't stand him either.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:then they can hav the final match at summerslam :P
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Angle beat him at Mania. Now HBK will beat him to even up the score. It will either be HBK-Angle at SummerSlam with Angle winning... or HBK-Angle-HHH for the World Title. Huh at first I picked Kurt to win and face Randy Orton at SummerSlam.... What kind of weed was I on last night ? Anyways.... Hope Angle wins. HBK is an Assclown.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:he will win the rematch.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:HBK needs the victory for his return to Raw.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Can it be any more obvious. Expect it to be the match of the night, just like Wrestlemania, and why would Angle win the second to in a row. Plus, if Vince is smart Angle will win the World Heavyweight Title at Summerslam.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:He isn't tapping out this time.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:HBK will squash the Olympic Zero like a cockroach.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Angle won at WM21. HBK kicks Angle into another lifetime.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:This will be the best match of the night, hands down. Shawn put Kurt over at Mania... now its time for HBK to get redemption.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:even though kurt angle is a WRESTLING GOD,hbk had to job to kurt at WM21 so he will definetly win this
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Revenge Match Rule: Loser of the first match will always win the revenge match.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:HBK!!! angle sucks
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:I really like where Raw is going, based on what I saw at the end of yesterday's show. Having Batista, HHH, Angle & HBK all vying for the belt is a great idea. However, I don't know if they will continue that. Oh yea, HBK wins this one, and the feud goes on. Angle will get the last laugh (I don't know why he put over Booker T, but hopefully we can just forget about that pointless feud).
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:I am sorry, but after losing to Booker T it is time to get Angle on the title warpath here. HBK can lose ans still be a possible champ come survivor series. But I want to see Angle vs HHH for the belt at Summerslam. you know you all want to.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Shawn is going to win here getting revenge on Angle
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:To quote what Tocc said "Michaels put Angle over at 'Mania. Time to return the favor." Still gonna be a good match, and COULD top their WMXXI match, but it will really only get half the time their WMXXI match got, which would mean this match would be about... 14 minutes.