Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels

WrestleMania Rematch

99 Oracles have spoken

Kurt Angle
Kurt Angle
(16 predictions - 16.16%)
Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels
(83 predictions - 83.84%)
Result:Shawn Michaels wins

Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Making it Kurt 1 and Shawn 1 setting up possibly a final encounter at Summerslam.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Batista might possibly make an impact...probably not...whether he does or not, michaels in a no brainer...he aint losing twice, especially since he lost at wrestlemania
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:No way HBK is going to win this one. Angle is far better than Michaels.
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:Kurt Angle has been jobbing a lot lately. HBK won't mind putting Angle over again.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Sounds like a no-brainer for me...HBK will win the rematch.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Revenge time!
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:like what loser would vote for kurt i mean talk about fashion faux pas on raw with that ugly shirt.shawny is the best and i dunno what 'mania kurt saw coz shawny neva lost (init funkie)
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:come on! it' s hbk on a remath . obviously he will win. so then we'll see a tie breaker.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Fool me once shame on you...Fool me Twice call Marty Janetty!
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Way to obvious.
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:this match could go either way , i might change my mind again , a few times hehe
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Kurt Angle won the first match at mania and now i reckon Shawn Michaels will win in the wrestlemania rematch because shawn michaels has the upper hand
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:I don't understand why everyone thinks this is such a no-brainer for Shawn. Sure Kurt owes Shawn a job but Angle has jobbed quite a bit since Wrestlemania, and with him coming over to Raw he needs the push more than ever if he is to be in the title hunt come Summerslam. I don't think it will be a clean win this time though, expect some underhand tactics from the olympic hero to snatch the win
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:So he can even up from wrestlemania and kurt angle can move on 2 a feud with HHH while hbk tries 2 get wwe championship or world heavyweight
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:This isn't as clear cut as everybody is making out angle looks like a fued with hunter is on the cards and will definatly get a massive push now he's on raw he'll probably cheat to win its a lot tougher to call than its made out.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:michaels will blow angle away
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Kurt Angle is rubbish
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:kurt won last time by luck
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Angle will get what he deserves
Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:After The losses suffered on SmackDown to the hands of Booker T,Kurt Needs some wins to establish himself as not just another face in the wind,and as his first new-age RAW PPV,Micheals will take A fall,but it wont be the whole "Tapping out victory" that was at Wrestlemania,it will be more of a Suplex-pinfall thing.This woont be as much of a victory,but my faith in angle still stands,even though I still lost some respect for him.Hes Still gonna beat him