Orlando Jordan vs. Chris Benoit

U.S. Championship

113 Oracles have spoken

Orlando Jordan
Orlando Jordan
(15 predictions - 13.27%)
Chris Benoit
Chris Benoit
(98 predictions - 86.73%)
Result:Chris Benoit wins

Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:no way OJ beatin Benoit twice
Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:When was this match announced on SmackDown! anyways..? WWE had said that this was instead going to be Christian vs. OJ but then maybe the storyline couldn't match up with the timing. Anyways WWE knows that OJ isn't championship material and Chris Benoit will win cleanly just to stop OJ's reign. If OJ wins i'll be extremely pissed off. But if he wins, the next person he will face and lose to is Booker T. But Benoit will win so he will probably face Christian at No Mercy and lose it to him.
Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:Benoit is my favorite wrestler and I love the German Suplex.
Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:I give orlando jordan credit for his win at the great american bash...but he won't beat the crippler twice in a row on ppv, especially at summerslam...he had a good run, but benoit will take this one home
Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:I think if wwe give Benoit the U.S then that will involve guys like Booker T,Christian etc,makin U.s title more interesting
Prediction:Orlando Jordan
Prophecy:I just gotz a feeling OJ will steal this one again
Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:I changed my mind and decided to follow the majority. It is really true that Benoit will need this win to get back into World Title picture in the future. The win can be a DQ one though. Either way OJ will not do it "cleanly" in the match...maybe adding things like some chair shots and/or outside interference will make sense.
Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:Benoit will win, but he'll lose the gold soon. i mean, VERY soon. and then he'll compete for the world heavyweight thingamajig.
Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:Even though this title isn't really meant for Benoit at this point as others have said, I still believe he will win. For now, Benoit seems out of the heavyweight title picture, which is going to be dominated by Batista/Orton maybe Undertaker for the next few months. Benoit could hold the title temporarily and then put over a younger star a little way down the line. For mine, anything to get the belt off OJ...is it really worth keeping him as champion? I see Benoit putting over Christian next...who will then turn face...notice the recent tension between Charisma and Jordan.
Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:I still say Benoit feuds with Eddie next. Adding a belt to that would be a nice touch. Orlando had his time to shine, and it didn't go so well. With JBL getting gold at SummerSlam, Jordan can afford to lose his belt. Benoit is worth more than this, but this is just fine for him right now on SmackDown. I would have liked to see Christian and Booker T involved, but maybe they will interfere. In any event, I want to see this title change hands sooner rather than later.
Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:im not sure but until i see sd im goin with benoit. sd will probly change my mind................ CRIPPLER ALL THE WAY.......................
Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:not 100% sure yet. ill go wit chris 4 now because 4 now because of lack of entertainment but i might question toccs prediction of a rising star title that clearly dosnt go wit benoit so i might change depending on SD this week
Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:The US title has no life under Orlando Jordan. He never even defends it. Benoit would, so give the belt to someone who will give it some life. Do not do the mistake of July again
Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:I dunt care about this one at all.
Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:Lazy booking by the WWE again. Benoit wins. Moves on to a feud with Christian for the title. Jordan goes back to being a lackey for Bradshaw.
Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:Why are they doing this match again. I'll say Jordan until Beniot on Smackdown proves me otherwise.
Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:As much as I want OJ to win, he wont. The WWE will not let the cabinet hold all the gold. OJ will lose and JBL will win.
Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:Tap out Tap out Tap out TAP OUT
Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:Chris is like gunna win coz i dnt like Orlando even through he has i nice body and gd music he still works 4 jbl so he cnt win nuthing lol (init rite funky??)