Carlito Caribbean Cool vs. Ric Flair

Intercontinental Championship

122 Oracles have spoken

(70 predictions - 57.38%)
Ric Flair
Ric Flair
(52 predictions - 42.62%)
Result:Ric Flair wins

Prophecy:I believe that Ric is just helping to put the new talent over here. Even though he has never held the IC strap, what is Ric going to do with it? The belt is staying with the cool one.
Prediction:Ric Flair
Prophecy:He's the one that deserves this more than Carlito does.
Prophecy:It's the only way this match would be cool.
Prediction:Ric Flair
Prophecy:See Tocc.
Prediction:Ric Flair
Prophecy:I want to say Ric Flair simply because he's Ric Flair. Ric had the same Intercontinental Championship shot 3 years ago at Unforgiven 2002 against Chris Jericho. Although he didn't win the title, he was thrown into almost a three-year storyline following Triple H around. I can't really see any other push for Ric Flair in the future, so this may be it.
Prophecy:Ric Flair should be getting Heavyweight Title shots. This one is simply to put over Carlito. Here's hoping the cool one gets to defend his title abit more.
Prophecy:Im from Puerto Rico so you all know ill DEFINETLY be rooting for Carlito
Prophecy:now thats cool
Prediction:Ric Flair
Prophecy:WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! How can Carlito get a win over The Nature Boy, WOOO, the Legend, WOOO, the future Hall of Famer, WOOO, Ric Flair... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ... Unless Trips screws Flair over.
Prediction:Ric Flair
Prophecy:I've changed my mind on this. What is Carlito doing to be recognized as IC champion. He's defended it 1 time. Plus, I think this will give it to Ric to Fullfill his dream of having all the major titles.
Prediction:Ric Flair
Prophecy:I am going with a complete last minute switch, I think Ric is taking the title away from Carltio, because his never won it before, in other words this could be his "last run".
Prophecy:How I would love for Flair to walk away in this one with the belt, even if it's not the big prize, it would be cool to see Flair with some gold other than the tag titles. However, I see a DQ victory with Carlito still coming out on top.
Prophecy:doesnt suit flair to have the IC title around his wasit.easy carlito victory.
Prophecy:If Ric Flair does win the belt, Carlito will win it back the next Raw. I doubt Flair will be a face much longer once HHH is back.
Prophecy:Now Das ... COOL!
Prophecy:triple h might cost ric flair this match because it might be triple h who attacked him backstage on raw
Prediction:Ric Flair
Prophecy:I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and say 'Naitch wins. One more time, Wooooo!
Prophecy:i cant c ric flair being a intercontinental champ again, even a champ, hes out of the championship run