DX vs. The McMahons

Embarrassment Ensues

124 Oracles have spoken

Triple H
Shawn Michaels
(104 predictions - 83.87%)
Vince Mcmahon
Shane McMahon
Vince & Shane McMahon
(19 predictions - 15.32%)
(1 Predictions - 0.81%)
Result:DX - HHH & HBK win

Prediction:Vince & Shane McMahon
Prophecy:not by themselves, of course.
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:Are you kidding me? Anyone who has seen RAW since DX reformed, knows that this is a no brainer. They won against the Spirt Squad an Vengeance and Saturday Nights Main Event, which were all 5-on-two matches.
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:DX will get the better hand on the Mcmahons. Spirit Squad is gonna be having their hands full with the Highlanders, so no interfearence there at least. Im seeing this as a blowoff matchup, probably with DX splitting on RAW the next night. I dont see any heel turns, because HBK is Christian now and doesn't want to be heel, and HHH wants to be face and fued with Randy Orton. HBK will go and have knee sugery, and the Mcmahons will FINALLY (I hope) end this fued once and for all.
Prophecy:The McMahons will do something to take one of the DX members away, then Vince uses his power of being WWE owner to make the match a 8 on 1 handicap match. Spirit Squad will then come out and so will ugama and it will be an 8 on 1 beating against only 1 member of DX.
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:The McMahons' frustration with Trips and HBK will get them disqualified in the end....and after that, anything's possible.
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:DX beat the hell out the McMahons!
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:C'mon do I need to say it???????
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:they won't break up just yet, poster for survivor series features DX spraypainted over nWo, gives me reason for a DX victory
Prediction:Vince & Shane McMahon
Prophecy:Honestly who cares? This fued has been nothing but a borefest to me. Just end DX already and end this nightmare they calll a fued! I see Umaga costing HHH the match to set up their match for Unforgiven.
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:How believable is this? DX easily beats the Spirit Squad in a 5 on 2 match and we're supposed to expect that the McMahons actually pose a threat?
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:I Have Spoken
Prediction:Vince & Shane McMahon
Prophecy:It is so obvious here. Rumor has it that DX is ending at SS, so I see the McMahons getting the last laugh here. Beside DX has had the McMahons on the defensive for to long now and now it is time for some payback.
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:Honestly ive got two views. Either Umaga and/or Spirit Squad will come down and DQ the McMahons. Or DX will win in their usual way.
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:Spirt squad and umaga is going to be coming out but dx is going to win
Prediction:Vince & Shane McMahon
Prophecy:one word UMAGA
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:no point in the mcmahons winning
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:This is my favorite rivalry. I never watched DX. I started watching WWE years after the DX saga. Im so mad that I missed it. SO IF YOUR NOT DOWN WITH THAT, I GOT 2 WORDS FOR YA!
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:Should be a no brainer this one, even with Spirit Squad interference.
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:As it stands at the moment, Theres no reason to believe that the match at Summerslam will be anything different from their predecessor matches
Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy: R U Shitting ME?