Big Show vs. Sabu

ECW World Championship

97 Oracles have spoken

Big Show
Big Show
(31 predictions - 31.96%)
(64 predictions - 65.98%)
(2 Predictions - 2.06%)
Result:Big Show wins

Prophecy:That #1 contender's match on ECW was terrible. Between RVD, Sabu, and Show, they must have made a dozen mistakes. It was actually funny after a while, and it had such potential too... Anyway, Show only took the title from RVD because of RVD's drug charges, and will soon return it to a true ECW original. Sabu as champion will help retain the old school ECW fans and generate good energy for the brand.
Prophecy:i think RVD will interfear.
Prophecy:I'd prefer if Sabu instead of the freak show had it.
Prophecy:Sabu would be able to take the title from show
Prophecy:If RVD is going to eventually reclaim his would be much more interesting to have him chase Sabu than Show.
Prophecy:Sabu is a much more entertaining champion than Big Show. He can have better matches with RVD when he challenges for the title.
Prophecy:Big SHow is good n all but not an original.
Prophecy:Seriously, they would not have had that cheap ass win in the ladder match if it was going to wind up staying with the Big Show. Sabu will take this one in order to feud with RVD, Angle, or Heyman's next big asshole.
Prophecy:Sabu is worth this gold now. Giving the ECW title to a former WWE superstar who had no ECW experances before hand. Thankfully, Sabu will beat Big Show, and give the ECW title back some credibity.
Prophecy:Big Show was only holding the title until a new challenger emerged to take it from him. Sabu will probably use his crazy maneuvers and any other trick he can come up with to take down Show, and with the way Angle went after Heyman and Show, he might show up to cost Show the match. Heyman will do his best to keep the belt on his favorite extremist, but in the end Sabu will walk out with the belt.
Prophecy:Vinny Mac is high on Sabu right now (ok, I probably should change that wording a bit), and what better way to reward him than by giving him the ECW strap? He can run with it, and Show is over as a MONSTER heel (let's face it, when you have garbage thrown at you in the ring at a HOUSE SHOW, you either know you're over as a heel, or are just that bad a wrestler). If Sabu wins cleanly, Show's heat gets killed. Don't expect that. Expect a violent, BLOODY match, with Sabu emerging after some shenanigans victorious
Prophecy:Don't know much about him, but I'll go Sabu for now. This may soon settle out into a Big Show/RVD and Sabu/Angle feud...RVD will interfere in this somehow.
Prediction:Big Show
Prophecy:Big Show will definetly win this match and then later drop it to either RVD or Kurt Angle when he comes back from his injury. I expect this match to suck though.
Prophecy:The Gold will go to the homicidal, suicidal, genicidal Sabu! because big show is a vanilla chocolate milk dud!
Prophecy:Big Show did a great job of saving the day when RVD was suspended, but now its time to have 2 actual ECW guys feud for the title...and I'm talking about RVD and Sabu. Plus, I'm sure Angle will get involved here as well.
Prophecy:First i thought Big Show as u can see i've changed my mind lol because i dunno sabu jumpin around the ring like a flea mite just work plus hes been huntin 4 tyhe title 4 ages its tym he mite just get it
Prophecy:It's hard to tell right now because I'm in Canada and ECW has only been on for 2 weeks. But what I read was Sabu has gotten Big Show down twice. I'd love to see and original ECW member with the ECW World Tittle.
Prophecy:Can't see Show holding onto the belt. Sabu is "riding high"... ;)
Prophecy:RVD will interfere in the match and cost Big Show the title. After all, Big Show would deserve it for the interference on Tuesday. This should set up a Sabu-RVD feud later on.
Prophecy:i havent been watchin wrestling for awhile.. so i dont know wats happpening ...i'll go with the majority