Edge vs. John Cena

WWE Championship - Title Changes Hands on a DQ

126 Oracles have spoken

(48 predictions - 38.1%)
John Cena
John Cena
(78 predictions - 61.9%)
Result:Edge wins

Prophecy:Ugh....this is a tough one. The stipulation tips the scale in Cena's favor, but Edge hasn't been champ very long. Cena could win back the gold for little while, possibly turning heel in the process, but for now I'll go with Edge. As several others have already stated, I can't see Edge putting Cena over again with the title on the line. I also see rematch written all over this. Summerslam is in Cena's hometown, Unforgiven is in Edge's. Maybe they will let Cena keep the title for a month and then give it back to Edge at Unforgiven? Who knows? I guess I'll stick with Edge.
Prediction:John Cena
Prophecy:Edge will prove once again that he is no more than a transitional champion. Cena will regain the WWE title in front of his home crowd.
Prediction:John Cena
Prophecy:cena wants the title back and i dont think lita will want to piss off the ref this time around.Edge is rated F for a Friggin joke
Prophecy:Cena can suck it Edge will be da champ for a while and if WWE put the title on Cena the fans would be ticked off
Prophecy:Well, for now it seems like Cena's going to win the gold again, but then again the fans would hate that. I can't add much to the discussion - Cena will no longer be a candidate for the Championship SummerSlam, he'll feud with someone else or take a break.
Prediction:John Cena
Prophecy:It will be just like last time Edge will lose his title to Cena again.
Prediction:John Cena
Prophecy:the champ is comeing home with the belt
Prediction:John Cena
Prophecy:I was debating between the two here...but a good point was brought up that this in cena's hometown...unless the boston faithful decide to boo cena also which could end up happening...but i think cena will win here but not sure for how long
Prediction:John Cena
Prophecy:I see cena getting the title look Bastia will get the title and that means that raw champion must be a face and on the other hand Cena is really mad at edge for the slaping his dad and I see Cena's dad playing a role in this match just like Brooke getting iinvoled in Randy vs Hogan
Prediction:John Cena
Prophecy:edge and his hiv positive girlfriend can just quit now if edge gets dq he loses the title hahahahahaha i can hear it now....... THE CHAMP IS HERE.
Prediction:John Cena
Prophecy:Yeh tocc with cenas new movie its gna b hard for him to stay in the game.. so they will give him the upper hand here
Prediction:John Cena
Prophecy:this is a hard one, i see the ref being down and Lita trying to hit Cena with a chair but misses and nails Edge, then cena locks in the STFU for the win...but then again i dont see Edge losing the title having only held it for a few weeks... ill go with Cena for now
Prediction:John Cena
Prophecy:It's got to happen. Altho Umaga will be given a WWE title push, and Edge hasn't faced him yet, i'd say this has gone on long enough. Plus Edge is annoying, i used 2 like him.
Prophecy:Edge will win probaly Cena is not going to win because Lita or someone will interfere and help Edge most likely. Or one of those legends again might interfer.
Prediction:John Cena
Prophecy:Seeing that Summerslam is in Boston this year, I'm going tosay Cena wins the title here.
Prophecy:Edge = best heel in the business. I have a feeling this will end at Unforgiven-HIAC.
Prediction:John Cena
Prophecy:Cena vs Umaga or Kane at Unforgiven.
Prophecy:after this weeks RAW i think cena will win but will not be champion for that long. "the marine" is coming out soon and i think edge will job to cena so cena looks good.
Prophecy:Well Edge want's to let everyone know that his 1st outing as champ wasn't a fluke so a win here will be possible.
Prediction:John Cena
Prophecy:another awful title reign unfortuantly for cena, i am so sick of him i could die. also look for lita to turn on edge and become cenas girl therfore giving cena his heel turn everyones been waiting for.