The Hardys vs. MNM


73 Oracles have spoken

Matt Hardy
Jeff Hardy
The Hardys
(72 predictions - 98.63%)
Joey Mercury
Johnny Nitro
(1 prediction - 1.37%)
Result:The Hardys wins

Prediction:The Hardys
Prophecy:Talk about waiting until the last minute. This is only the 2nd match to be added to the card with less than a week until the event. This match was Team Extreme's challenge in the first place. They're the draw and they will win. Besides, Melina said MNM would be together "for one night only". That pretty much guarantees they'll lose.
Prediction:The Hardys
Prophecy:Joey Mercury will turn face and turn his back on Nitro and Melina. Should be a great match though.
Prediction:The Hardys
Prophecy:Glad we've got another match to look forward to besides the Main Event's Extreme Elimination Chamber. Should be awesome to watch, I've been anticipating these 2 teams to collide since way back before MnM split up. Can't look past the Hardy Boys here in their first official PPV match in 4 years.
Prediction:The Hardys
Prophecy:Last time we saw MNM all together, Nitro was beating up Mercury.
Prediction:The Hardys
Prophecy:The Hardy Boyz aren't going to lose their own open challenge. MNM had a bad breakup after losing the WWE Tag Team titles and now they just bring Mercury back like nothing happened? Something will happen between Mercury and Nitro and the Hardys will definitely take this one.
Prediction:The Hardys
Prophecy:team extreme should def win this, especially since mnm is back for one night only...i like the push that the hardys are getting though...more matches should be signed today
Prediction:The Hardys
Prophecy:I'm just happy that there back
Prediction:The Hardys
Prophecy:MNM can't get along as well as they did a year and a half ago and the Hardys arwe brothers so thats a plus!
Prediction:The Hardys
Prophecy:What's the point in running the ECW brand when they've got to wrestlers for the matches from the other brands? Ridiculous. Still looking forward for this, wonderful that the Hardys are a team again. Of course we all know who'll win though.
Prediction:The Hardys
Prophecy:bout time! only one winner here though.
Prediction:The Hardys
Prophecy:The Hardys will take MNM to the extreme!
Prediction:The Hardys
Prediction:The Hardys
Prophecy:Mercury might screw up and then will start a fued with Nitro on RAW. By the way, none of these wrestlers are actually on ECW? It's like having RVD vs. Sabu as the main event of RAW?
Prediction:The Hardys
Prophecy:I think the Hardys will win, but there is a thought in the back of my head, I think MNM will win because they're reuniting, so are the Hardys. I disagree with The Tocc because Melina might be lying about MNM being together for "one night only".
Prediction:The Hardys
Prophecy:The Hardys have just reunited for the first time in years, so I don't see them losing here to MNM. Also, since this is a "one night only" thing for MNM, it wouldn't make sense for them to win, whereas the Hardys don't seem to be separating anytime soon.
Prediction:The Hardys
Prophecy:probaly the Hardys will win
Prediction:The Hardys
Prophecy:I'm guessing Team Xtreme will get the win here to boost their status up. They should be the next contenders for the Tag Team Titles.
Prediction:The Hardys
Prophecy:i think it should be a good match.... but i cant believe in a few days the ppx will be on and only two matches have been anounced ...
Prediction:The Hardys
Prophecy:the hardys are better and i hate mnm
Prediction:The Hardys
Prophecy:I agree with the tocc