ECW Originals vs. The New Breed

8 Man Tag

132 Oracles have spoken

Rob Van Dam
Tommy Dreamer
ECW Originals
(82 predictions - 62.12%)
Elijah Burke
Kevin Thorn
Marcus Cor Von
Matt Striker
The New Breed
(50 predictions - 37.88%)
Result:ECW Originals wins

Prediction:The New Breed
Prophecy:This could really go either way. Will they use this high profile match to build up the new talent or give the people what they want and let the ECW heroes triumph? If this were a feud-ending match I'd go with the Originals but this feud is very young and will probably last a long time. With the Originals getting the upper hand in the final ECW before the event, the New Breed will probably get the win here.
Prediction:The New Breed
Prophecy:They are burying the ECW originals week after week and as much as I would like to think they are going to give the W to the regulars, I can't see it happening at the biggest stage of the year. By the way, congratulations Elijah Burke on making it to WM.
Prediction:The New Breed
Prophecy:I think a lot of faces will win at WM23. Undertaker, Shawn Michaels... I guess WWE are pushing these guys for a win at WM. Yes, this match will suck.
Prediction:The New Breed
Prophecy:I don't think RVD is sticking around the WWE much longer and that only leaves Sabu, Sandman, and Dreamer to carry the ECW originals. Since no one really cares about any of those 3 guys, I am going with the New Breed.
Prediction:ECW Originals
Prophecy:The Originals have copped alot of punishment from the new mob throughout this feud. This feud has pretty much been the only thing that's kept ECW going, but the product has been decidedly better these last few weeks. Originals to win, the new guys have been built up enough already. RVD pins Burke.
Prediction:ECW Originals
Prophecy:RVD is an ex-world champion, they won't let him lose now that the bad PR from the pot bust is past and Sabu looks good when he wins in the ring. With the exception of Marcus Cor Von, the New Breed are actually not that good and they're definitely not exciting to watch. Sorry to dissapoint anyone that likes them. I will admit that Dreamer and Sandman aren't wonderful either, but at least they have a style. This match should be a ECW Extreme rules match. If would have been better to save this match fo0r later in the year, 'Survivor Series' and add Mahoney and Snitsky respectively.
Prediction:ECW Originals
Prophecy:Vince is desperate to put the originals over. Contrary to popular belief, Vince always puts himself opposite to those he want's to push.
Prediction:ECW Originals
Prophecy:You can't be serious. The originals are winning maybe 10% of the time on Sci-Fi. They need a victory here. This is a repeat of the Deuce/Domino vs. Kendrick/London feud. Heels dominate for weeks on end and then suffer a nasty loss to the babyfaces.
Prediction:ECW Originals
Prophecy:Everyone has forgotten a very important detail about this match. The success of ECW currently rests on the shoulders of two men. One of those is Lashley. he is getting a bigger push than anyone from any of the three brands. The other man is Rob Van Dam. The drug bust shit is over now and the company can rely on him as a crowd getter. He is still in my opinion one of the most entertaining sports entertainment superstars in the history of the sport. No-one can do the stuff he can. Not one person. Even Mysterio can't pull off a lot of the stuff RVD does. In addition to this, the Original s have suffered far to many losses in recent weeks. Revenge is sweet and I think that the Originals are about to get some. Tonkers out.
Prediction:The New Breed
Prophecy:Ariel, Mr. McMahon, and CM Punk (becomes a member of the New Breed) will help the New Breed win this one.
Prediction:ECW Originals
Prophecy:i gotta be honest...i love the match...enough with the one on one stuff on tuesday night...the eight man tag-team match belongs at wrestlemania and gets ecw brand into it...and since its the biggest stage of the year, loyal guys like rob van dam will not lose...i question sabu and where hes going and how good sandman really is...i like dreamer too...but rvd is the key for me here...i think the new breed is ok, but striker isnt that good, thorne is ok, cor van or whatever his name is just started, and i think burke will be very going originals behind RVD
Prediction:ECW Originals
Prophecy:wow wot a match! not do i care no ecw is crap n y is it at wrestlemania what rubbish wrestlers!
Prediction:ECW Originals
Prophecy:RVD is 3-0 at wrestlemania
Prediction:The New Breed
Prophecy:Just like the Benoit-MVP match, it pains me to make this prediction. I really, really want the Originals to win this, but something tells me that the New Breed will take the win. ECW is not one of Vince's high prioritys, and since some of the Originals (Sandman and Sabu mostly) have major heat with Vince, I don't see them winning. Hopefully, I'm wrong on this.
Prediction:ECW Originals
Prophecy:let the bodys hit the floor
Prediction:ECW Originals
Prophecy:This one is interesting. It can really prove how the WWE sees the new ECW. It would be great if this was a hardcore match, but there you go. Expect lots of cool spots, as well. It would please the fans to have the Originals win, but I don't think they care about the ECW fans. There aren't that many face wins on the card, but they want to put the New Breed over as well. Too close to call.
Prediction:The New Breed
Prophecy:The originals are so old they really need to give it up. Besides I like Elija Burke's fighting style.
Prediction:ECW Originals
Prediction:ECW Originals
Prophecy:So far the originals have done quite poorly in this fued, and what better place for them to show the 'New Breed' what they're made of than Mania? My prediction would be for RVD to pin Thorn bringing some honor back to the originals on the largest stage of them all.
Prediction:ECW Originals
Prophecy:Man this WM blows!!! other than money in the bank and the WWE Title match.