Chris Benoit vs. MVP

United States Championship

80 Oracles have spoken

Chris Benoit
Chris Benoit
(9 predictions - 11.25%)
(71 predictions - 88.75%)
Result:Chris Benoit wins

Prophecy:I thought MVP was going to win at Mania, but it looks like this has turned into a longer feud. I can't see Benoit holding onto that lesser belt for long. It's beneath him. It's just a matter of when MVP gets his first title reign. Odds are good that it will happen here, as there will likely be no other title changes.
Prophecy:This is shaping up to be almost an exact double of the Wrestlemania card. I'm sure this will be a great match, and a win over Benoit will put MVP over. I can't imagine this feud going much longer without a title change anyway.
Prophecy:I said earlier that MVP would probably win it on a Smackdown, but since this PPV has turned into a multi--brand fiasco, this will be the place that title change happens.
Prophecy:1,2 u hear the clock ticking mvp to grab the gold n be the us champ
Prophecy:Benoit should be wrestling for the World Heavyweight Championship, plain and simple. MVP has gotten a lot better since his debut and he will probably take the U.S. title from one of the greatest wrestlers ever...c'mon WWE give Benoit a title shot!
Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:i hate mvp
Prophecy:its time
Prophecy:Geez...who did Benoit piss off to deserve this? Give the man a shot at the World title!
Prophecy:Benoit won at WrestleMania. Time for a title change.
Prophecy:Same prediction that I had with Mania. Since the other two belts won't change hands, I think at least this one will.
Prophecy:I thought he had it at Mania and I agree with the tocc
Prophecy:MVP, better be MVP, I am so sick of Boring Benoit being a face, MVP should have won @ Mania, Look at MVP since he came to WWE, and Benny has been Crappy since his Return, MVP will and better Win! GO! GO! POWER RANGERS!
Prophecy:He will cheat to win this US Title from Chris Benoit.
Prophecy:MVP's gonna be..... BALLIN'
Prophecy:MVP is the MVP of smackdown
Prophecy:i went with MVP at wrestlemania23 and got burned, but im going to take a chance with him one more time...i'm not sure where chris benoit's going from here, but i do think he deserves another shot at the title...but the us title isn't doing much for him right now and mvp needs to win some gold if hes gonna get a push
Prophecy:IM COMIN
Prophecy:Benoit won before, now MVP will win.
Prophecy:This gives MVP the potential to go against new opponents at Judgment Day, along with Benoit getting some competition that isn't necessarily focused on his US title belt.
Prophecy:Benoit SHOULD be going for a World Title soon. Who else wants to see for the first time, Undertaker vs Chris Benoit for the WHT.