MVP vs. Rey Mysterio

United States Championship

72 Oracles have spoken

(41 predictions - 56.94%)
Rey Mysterio
Rey Mysterio
(31 predictions - 43.06%)
Result:Rey Mysterio wins

Prophecy:What would Rey do with the US Championship? Is he officially back to mid card status now? There's a good chance for a DQ, but I think MVP steals one.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Since his return what has Rey done? Coming out on the losing end with his fued with midcarder Finlay. So Rey needs to job to another midcarder now? MVP already has a pinfall win over Rey, Rey needs an actual win for once here to save his sinking career, and the US belt couldn't hurt.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:I don't see the point in putting Rey Mysterio in a U.S. title match, but I think MVP has held the title long enough. Matt will probably be out for a bit longer so why not give it to the little fella?
Prophecy:i with the tocc but i could see them give rey the title for pushing him to a another world title run
Prophecy:Chair shot? Groin shot? Either way, MVP retains.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Mvp had a great reign, but smackdown is hinting that it is over, with all the talk of respect. Mysterio will finally teach Mvp respect.
Prophecy:Why would Rey take the US Title. Everybody should know that when Matt Hardy comes back, he will feud with MVP for the US Title and Matt will win. This should be a decent match though.
Prophecy:He'll keep it until when Matt Hardy gets back.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:No idea.
Prophecy:I see MVP holding the US title till Matt Hardy returns and takes it from him.
Prophecy:MVP will hold the belt until Hardy comes back to claim it - at least that would be fair. Disqualification is not out of question, but I think MVP steals the pin.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:Via dq I think Mvp will only lose the title 2 Hardy when he returns -
Prophecy:MVP V Hardy at WM? i thinmk mvp will get this victory
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:I think Rey Mysterio will surprise everyone and win the title.
Prophecy:if that little bastard mysterio beats MVP...that is bull MVP should be champ for a god amount of time...and until he beats matt...then he can move on from these loosers
Prophecy:I don't see MVP dropping the title just yet. Him and Rey will put on a good match here, but ultimately MVP will retain. I expect him to hold the title until Wrestlemania when Hardy will hopefully take the strap.
Prophecy:I think MVP with a late minute steal. I don't think they are done with the MVP/Hardy feud and this is simply to fill time before he comes back. Or, Mysterio could win and we could get a Mysterio/Hardy feud at Wrestlemania, which could be appealing as well. I'm not really a fan of the US title going to somebody who in the last two years was a World champ. It's too much of a step backwards and usually devalues the world title just a scoche in my eyes.
Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:I think Rey will take the Title here from MVP. Tough call, but I can see Rey with the US Title.
Prophecy:the MVP Hardy feud is not over yet, when hardy comes back he will be gunning for the title, theres no point rey winning the strap and hardy and MVP not fighting for anything when he returns
Prophecy:I'm looking forward to a bland match.