Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels

Career Threatening Match

128 Oracles have spoken

Ric Flair
Ric Flair
(23 predictions - 17.97%)
Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels
(104 predictions - 81.25%)
(1 Predictions - 0.78%)
Result:Shawn Michaels wins

Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:You've had a good run, Flair. And if I were scripted to go out on a loss, I'd want to lose to HBK too.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:See Tocc.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Hope this is the classic that it can-and should-be. We'll miss ya,Naitch.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:This match has the potential to be one of if not the greatest match in Wrestlemania history. The emotion it will bring will be something to remember forever, and with two guys like HBK and Flair, this one is destined to be a classic. Look for an emotional exchange after the match and a long sendoff for Flair from the Orlando crowd.
Prediction:Ric Flair
Prophecy:What a waste of a historic push. Well, this one's guaranteed to be a classic, so maybe it's not that bad. Flair's out.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:This will be at least a good 45 minutes of the show, with the match, and the celebration of Flair's career after he loses.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:It only makes sense that Flair's historic run will end at Wrestlemania. I also agree that emotionally, this has the potential to be one of the best WM matches we've ever seen. You don't really get those that often anymore. This will be a treat indeed.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Match of the Night right here, love you Flair, but you've got to go sometime, and who better than to HBK. I'm expecting tears and a handshake after this match. At least a 20-30 minute match I'm guessing. Maybe even the main event?
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:If Flair really is retiring then this should close the show
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:i believe this will be flair's last match, finally.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:What's a better way to go out?
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:Wooo! As much as I hate to see him go, I can't think of a better choice to end Flair's career than HBK (besides Triple H but he's already in the main event). Shawn will make sure Flair goes out with style, but I am pretty sure this will be Flair's farewell.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:read the tocc wish it was to Triple H was hoping to see Flair win the money in the bank and use it on triple h after he won the belt or Cena but i am some what glade it is to michaels
Prediction:Ric Flair
Prophecy:I'm going against the logical choice here. I'll say Flair makes someone tap out to the figure four for the final time, then gets on the mic and says he wants to bow out while he's still the man, retires on the spot.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:HBK did not want to fight Ric. Therefore, he will win.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:of everyone on the wwe roster i think shawn is the best choice to do it
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:This is a no brainer. Flair will go out in style. Possibly the match of his career.
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:later ric
Prediction:Shawn Michaels
Prophecy:HBK is the man, and Flair is old and smelly
Prediction:Ric Flair
Prophecy:This will be a great, great match in more ways than one. Not just the actual match itself, but the emotion and the history that goes with it should have every fan on their feet from the get go. My head says Michaels, my heart says Flair...they could so much with this. I say Flair wins, has one more run with the belt, then retires on his own terms rather than go out in defeat.