John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre
Intercontinental Championship
56 Oracles have spoken

John Morrison
(36 predictions - 64.29%)

Drew McIntyre
(20 predictions - 35.71%)
Result:Drew McIntyre wins
Prediction:John Morrison
Prophecy:Although Morrison's push seems to be temporarily derailed, I don't see McIntyre winning the title here. I'm sticking to my guns that Ziggler will the next IC Champ. I expect McIntyre to make an impression after the match by going ape shit and beating the piss out of Morrison with all the tlc weaponry available ringside.
Prediction:Drew McIntyre
Prophecy:This guy has been on a roll lately and he is an excellent wrestler, who deserves this Intercontinental Title. I like Drew McIntyre.
Prediction:John Morrison
Prophecy:tocc, dont forget that mcintyre fought r-truth on ppv
Prediction:Drew McIntyre
Prophecy:Morrison has had a good run, but Vince himself seems to like Scrooge McDuck, so I can't see him without a title for very long. Drew will win his first championship from John Morrison.
Prediction:John Morrison
Prophecy:Morrison is just too cool to lose to McIntyre this quickly. I expect McIntyre to take the title another night but not this night. Maybe at New Years Revolution or Royal Rumble.
Prediction:Drew McIntyre
Prophecy:Oh this is really a tough one cant predict the outcome if they want Ziggler to take the title from Morrison then he must win here but lately they have been giving Mcintyre a huge push considering his wrestling skills no doubt he is the real deal and could win the i.c. title at tlc come on guys Mr. Mcmahon brought him personally and he said that he is going to be a future world champion, that is why in my book he will pick up the title here
Prediction:John Morrison
Prophecy:can't see Mcintyre with the tile and agree with tocc Zigger will be the one to take down morrison
Prediction:John Morrison
Prophecy:Although Morrison's push has been put on hold for now, I don't see McIntyre winning this match. Morrison will keep retaining the title until he loses it to Ziggler. However I do see Morrison getting the tar beat out of him by McIntyre after the match.
Prediction:John Morrison
Prophecy:I don't have a heart for many characters anymore but I do like Morrison and would like to see him elevated a lot more than what he is right now.
Regardless, he needs to hang on to the belt a little longer because I don't see him getting anything more right now and he needs to stay relevant.
Prediction:Drew McIntyre
Prophecy:I agree with Tocc, except on who will win.
Prediction:Drew McIntyre
Prophecy:Morrison gets a bigger push.
Prediction:John Morrison
Prophecy:Its a tough choice but iii go 4 morrison.
Prediction:John Morrison
Prophecy:Being billed as the wrestler that Mr. McMahon personally signed puts some very high expectations on the career of Drew McIntyre. Based solely on Mr. McMahon's name being attached to him, I'm picking Morrison to take win here as it's bad for him to lose the belt that much soon to mcintyre.
Prediction:John Morrison
Prophecy:may be beginning of a big feud, so I don't think McIntyre will win the first match. McIntyre will win it eventually, maybe even at Royal Rumble. Morrison will face McIntyre at WM, but seeing as the IC title is not allowed to be defended at WM, Morrison will drop before then and be in MITB
Prediction:John Morrison
Prophecy:possibly by dq as i cant see two people in one night losing their undeafted streaks
Prediction:Drew McIntyre
Prophecy:I'm guessing he will win it.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Drew McIntyre
Prophecy:Drew reminds me of a young stone cold ; because ; they both are very tough SOB'S ; lol
Prediction:John Morrison
Prophecy:McIntyre seems to be on a meteoric rise but I don't think it's his time to win gold yet.
Prediction:Drew McIntyre
Prophecy:Don't care either way.
Prediction:John Morrison
Prophecy:I'm not a huge fan of McIntyre, but he'll probably be IC champ someday. Morrison, on the other hand, will one day be world champion, and is proving to be a decent IC champ. With these two, it will more than likely be a good match. For now I'm sticking with Morrison to retain.