Layla (for LayCool) vs. Natalya
Unified Divas Championship Match
54 Oracles have spoken

Layla (for LayCool)
(42 predictions - 77.78%)

(12 predictions - 22.22%)
Result:Layla (for LayCool) wins
Prediction:Layla (for LayCool)
Prophecy:LayCool is so over right now. Even though Natty is getting a push, she won't get the title just yet.
Prediction:Layla (for LayCool)
Prophecy:Dont think Natalya will get the title this soon quite frankly im getting sick of LayCool, thnx for agreeing with me Jenny btw i added you to my circle,i like ur predictions
Prediction:Layla (for LayCool)
Prophecy:It's so obvious that the writers are so overrated and selfish by allowing Team Laycool to always win the titles back from the face divas very quickly. I so wish Beth Phoenix came back as quickly as possible, to get revenge for what Team Laycool did to her and become a Diva's champion, which would be a fourth time a diva has won both the Women's and Diva's titles. I so agree with Legend Killer-rko. I'm getting tired of the writers with the Team Laycool storyline for a long time. I also agree with The Tocc. The only way I see Natalya winning this title later on is by teaming up with Beth Phoenix and becoming co-Divas Champions, just as what Team Laycool are doing. Another thing, after what happened on Raw last night, I also think that either Tyson Kidd or D.H. Smith will turn heel by interfering and costing Natalya her chance to win the Diva's title out of jealousy. To Legend Killer-rko, thnx for adding me to your circle, I did the same, too.
Prophecy:Ummm...why not? I think I have become somewhat synonymous with not caring about the diva matches because in a word, they're botch ridden, poorly promoted and not interesting. When any of the three aforementioned categories me.
Prediction:Layla (for LayCool)
Prophecy:Even though Natalya is the only one of the three that is actually a wrestler, I think LayCool will hold onto it a bit longer until Beth Phoenix comes back and takes it.
Prediction:Layla (for LayCool)
Prophecy:This whole duel champion thing got old a long time ago.
Prediction:Layla (for LayCool)
Prophecy:Same as the tocc
Prediction:Layla (for LayCool)
Prophecy:Hard to go against Laycool and I don't think Natalya will win just yet, she may have to be invovled with the breakdown of the hart dynasy later anyway
Prediction:Layla (for LayCool)
Prophecy:i really dont care who ever wins the match....
Prediction:Layla (for LayCool)
Prophecy:Natalya has pretty much been winning the entire feud, so Laycool will get the win here.
Prediction:Layla (for LayCool)
Prophecy:The ego trip will continue!
Prophecy:Lay-Cool's reign has been way too long. If the writers have any mind, they'll give Natalya the title.
Prediction:Layla (for LayCool)
Prophecy:I hope I'm wrong here.
Prediction:Layla (for LayCool)
Prophecy:I hope Natalya wins it once & for all other than that i really don't care if McCool wins it .. this whole divas thing is getting way boring !!
Prediction:Layla (for LayCool)
Prophecy:I think so
Prediction:Layla (for LayCool)
Prophecy:I'd love Natty to win this as I think she's definitely one of the more talented divas on the roster but I think LayCool will survive a little longer.
Prediction:Layla (for LayCool)
Prophecy:It will be Layla taking on Natayla. Lay-Cool will hold onto the Diva's gold. Not Natayla's time yet...
Prediction:Layla (for LayCool)
Prophecy:Could this be the return of Beth Phoenix?
Prediction:Layla (for LayCool)
Prophecy:They'll keep winning until they feud against eachother
Prediction:Layla (for LayCool)
Prophecy:Going popular vote on this.