Prophecies of President D

WrestleMania XXV 2009

Triple H vs. Randy Orton

WWE Championship

Prediction:Randy Orton
Prophecy:The Royal Rumble winner every year since 2001 (aside from last year) has gone on to win the title at Wrestlemania. Something tells me that will continue here. Orton has been doing a terrific job in this angle, and the animosity between him and Trips is really going to add to this match. I see Vince ultimately pulling a huge swerve and turning on Triple H (ala Wrestlemania 2000 main event) and giving Orton the win.
Result:Triple H wins
0 Points Awarded

Edge vs. Big Show vs Cena

Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship

Prophecy:Now that Cena has been added to the match, it makes things a little more interesting. The Vickie/Big Show/Edge triangle will slowly combust in the coming weeks and give Cena the advantage. However, I'm not going with Cena, and instead sticking with Edge. It sounds insane I know, but I just don't see Cena winning the title AGAIN at Wrestlemania (this would mark his 4th championship win at Mania). I'm gonna go out on a limb and predict that Christian (having won MITB earlier that night), will immediately cash in the briefcase their against Edge, and win the title. This might sound far fetched, I just see it happening.
Result:John Cena wins
0 Points Awarded

Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Winner Gets a World Title Shot

Prophecy:I wasn't too sure who to pick, but after weighing all the different options, I'm going with Christian. Punk won last year, and I don't see him going to back to back. Kane is cruising at the moment, but he doesn't seem in line for a push (I have to admit though, I wouldn't mind seeing him win). I am still asking myself as to why Henry is in this match. Finlay will play the same role that he has in previous MITB matches, but will still come up short. MVP has a decent chance, but I think the long losing streak may have hurt his chances. Shelton is still in that awkward middle, but he will certainly deliver a great performance. Same thing goes for Kofi. Then there is Christian. He just came back and made a surprising return on ECW, and a big win here will really elevate him and help give him the big singles run he didn't get his first time around in WWE. I'll go with Captain Charisma in what should be a great ladder match.
Result:CM Punk wins
0 Points Awarded

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

The Streak vs. Mr. WrestleMania

Prophecy:In the past I have said I can't do it. I cannot bet against Taker at Mania. However, if there has ever been in my opinion, an actual chance for the streak to possibly be ended, than this is the time. HBK and Taker are THE legends in this company and this match will prove why. This is a dream match that many have hoped for and now we have it. I honestly can't say at the moment who I think will win. My heart says HBK, my head says Taker. For now, a flip of the coin I suppose. Much like last year with HBK/Flair, this has the potential to be the greatest match in Wrestlemania history.
Result:Undertaker wins
1 Point Awarded

Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy

Extreme Rules Match

Prediction:Jeff Hardy
Prophecy:I just don't see Matt winning here. He has had the upper hand all throughout this feud, and Jeff has had barely any retaliation at all. I'll go with Jeff winning with a twist of fate out of nowhere. He needs this win to get him back in the title picture (I barely even count that month long reign he had in December as legitimate).
Result:Matt Hardy wins
0 Points Awarded

Carlito & Primo vs. Miz & Morrison

Lumberjack Match for the Unified Tag Team Championship

Prediction:Miz & Morrison
Prophecy:I'm not sure who to pick at the moment. Like many have said, both sides are equally matched, and the result could be either way. Carlito and Primo probably deserve the win more, but Miz and Morrison are also one of the best tag teams in recent memory. This really is tough. For now, I'll go with Miz and Morrison stealing the win, but I may change my mind before the event. By the way, it's great to see the tag titles getting some recognition on the big show.
Result:Carlito & Primo win
0 Points Awarded

John "Bradshaw" Layfield vs. Rey Mysterio

Intercontinental Championship

Prediction:Rey Mysterio
Prophecy:It's a shame to see this match simply thrown together just so these two can have a match. Given a good buildup and storyline this match could actually deliver, but I digress. JBL just won the title so it would be awkward to drop it this soon. Rey however hasn't competed at Mania since he won the World Title at Mania 22. Hmm..maybe he's due for a win here? I'm changing my prediction to Rey after a lot of consideration. Something tells me JBL will still have something up his sleeve for later in the evening due to his proclamation that he will do something historic and shocking at Mania and with the frustration of possibly losing to Mysterio in his home state who knows what he will try and pull off.
Result:Rey Mysterio wins
1 Point Awarded

Chris Jericho vs. WWE Legends

3 on 1 Handicap Match

Prediction:Piper, Steamboat, & Snuka
Prophecy:Jericho deserves much better than this. Why couldn't they have gotten somebody like Stone Cold, Hogan or even Rock? Oh well, this match is without a doubt the easiest call of the night, and the fans will absolutely love seeing Jericho get whipped. Will Rourke get involved? It is very possible. I'll go with Flair and Rourke helping lay the smackdown on Jericho and a stunner from a soon to be Hall of Famer sealing the deal. It should be entertaining at least.
This is my lock.
Result:Chris Jericho wins
0 Points Awarded (-1 bonus point)
Total Points: 2 (-1 Bonus Point)

2 Points Earned | 25% Accurate

Ranked 22nd among Wise Ones for this event.