Prophecies of Anthony

Battleground 2014

Intercontinental Championship Battle Royal

For the Vacant Intercontinental Title

Prophecy:Is the WWE going to give Cesaro a push yet. It's like they give him a big victory, like the Andre Battle Royal, and then he sits in the mid card for two months. I can't figure the WWE out when it comes to Cesaro. Are they pushing him or not?
Result:The Miz wins
0 Points Awarded

Cena vs. Orton vs. Kane vs. Reigns

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Fatal 4-Way Match

Prediction:John Cena
Prophecy:I have only so many middle fingers to give to John Cena and the WWE. I almost pulled a muscle after MitB.
Result:John Cena wins
1 Point Awarded

Bray Wyatt vs. Chris Jericho

Prediction:Bray Wyatt
Prophecy:What The Tocc said.
Result:Chris Jericho wins
0 Points Awarded

Rusev vs. Jack Swagger

Prophecy:Rusev will continue to win. He's going to go undefeated. Eventually he's going to run into a John Cena shaped brick wall ending his undefeated streak.
This is my lock.
Result:Rusev wins
1 Point Awarded (+1 bonus point)

Cameron vs. Naomi

Prophecy:Bathroom Break in all CAPS!
Result:Cameron wins
0 Points Awarded

AJ Lee vs. Paige

Divas Championship

Prediction:AJ Lee
Prophecy:I hate the storyline they're presenting to us. Both are good in the ring but the story they are presenting us is unengaging.
Result:AJ Lee wins
1 Point Awarded

The Usos vs. Harper & Rowan

2 out of 3 Falls Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship

Prediction:Harper & Rowan
Prophecy:Usos won at the previous PPV, it's time for the Wyatt Family to win something! Even the Shied held the US and Tag Team Titles at as long of time the Wyatt's have been together. It's time for the Wyatt's to win their first gold. The time is now!
Result:The Usos wins
0 Points Awarded

Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins

Prediction:Dean Ambrose
Prophecy:Dean is going to win this first one. If he doesn't the WWE is going to make his character look like a real bitch. Dean is talented he skilled enough to overcome a burial at this point in his career. Dean will win the first one, and then to make Seth look like a championship caliber super star, Seth will win the rematch at Summer Slam.
Result:Seth Rollins wins
0 Points Awarded
Total Points: 3 (+1 Bonus Point)

3 Points Earned | 38% Accurate

Ranked 8th among Wise Ones for this event.