Prophecies of President D

No Way Out 2006

Kurt Angle vs. Undertaker

World Heavyweight Championship

Prediction:Kurt Angle
Prophecy:For now, I have to go with Angle. A win by Taker would be awesome, and seeing him in the main event of Wrestlemania would be really compelling as well. However, I still see Angle coming away with this one. Plus, after Taker planted that very impressive tombstone on Mark Henry on Smackdown, I have a feeling the World's Strongest Man will come back for revenge and cost Taker the match.
Result:Kurt Angle wins
1 Point Awarded

Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton

For the World Championship Match at WrestleMania

Prediction:Randy Orton
Prophecy:I have thought this match over time and time again, and I still cannot pick a winner. Both men have good cases for victory. Rey won the Rumble, and the Rumble winner USUALLY goes on to win at Mania. Orton is getting a monster push, and at the moment is surrounded by controversy over the Eddie comment (and you know how much Vince loves controversy). And the fact that the Guerrero family will be at ringside doesn't exactly make this pick easier. I have switched picks from Orton to Mysterio to Draw and now I am switching back to Orton. Vince probably doesn't care if Rey loses the match right in front of Eddie's family considering since he is the one who came up with this whole storyline. Orton will probably get the cheap victory in the end. I still will not rule out the possibility of there being a triple threat match between Angle, Mysterio, and Orton at Mania since Rey could still be in the main event and possibly continue the tradition of the Rumble winner going to Mania and winning.
Result:Randy Orton wins
1 Point Awarded

John "Bradshaw" Layfield vs. Bobby Lashley

JBL vs regular BL

Prediction:Bobby Lashley
Prophecy:It seems JBL is now the WWE's go to guy for jobbing. He will continue to job here, putting Lashley over, and lose even more prestige in the process.
Result:John "Bradshaw" Layfield wins
0 Points Awarded

Booker T vs. Chris Benoit

U.S. Championship

Prediction:Chris Benoit
Prophecy:I am now changing my prediction to Benoit. He caught a beatdown on Smackdown, and with the stipulation that if Booker doesn't wrestle on Sunday he will lose the title, Benoit has all the momentum going into the match. Also, I wouldn't be surprised to see The Boogeyman get involved with this one.
Result:Chris Benoit wins
1 Point Awarded

MNM vs. Matt Hardy & Mystery Partner

WWE Tag Team Championship

Prophecy:I'm going with MNM on this one. There always could be the possibiltiy of an upset here to get Matt back in the title picture, but I see MNM hanging on to the gold.
Result:Matt Hardy and Mystery Partner wins
0 Points Awarded

Nine Man Cruiserweight Match

One Fall to a Finish for the Cruiserweight Championship

Prediction:Gregory Helms
Prophecy:I have a feeling Helms will be retaining here. The cruiserweights proved they can still entertain at the Rumble, so expect a great match from this one too. Helms will probably retain even though the deck is stacked against him.
Result:Gregory Helms wins
1 Point Awarded
Total Points: 4

4 Points Earned | 67% Accurate

Ranked 4th among Wise Ones for this event.