Prophecies of Aasitus

SummerSlam 2006

Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Orton

Legend vs. Legend Killer

Prediction:Hulk Hogan
Prophecy:The days of Hulkamania should have ended a decade ago, but sadly they didn't. Nor will they end here. Though I believe Orton may get his victory over Hogan later, Hogan is undefeated at SummerSlam and definitely won't job to a wrestler half his age. If Shawn Michaels couldn't do it, there's no way Randy Orton can.
Result:Hulk Hogan wins
1 Point Awarded

DX vs. The McMahons

Embarrassment Ensues

Prediction:DX - HHH & HBK
Prophecy:Unless there are some big surprises in the next weeks, I will have to go with the majority and vote for the DX. A heel turn by Triple H wouldn't be a big surprise either, though, but for now I'll say that the DX wins and HHH goes to feud with whoever is the Champion. Don't know if there's any credibility to these HBK hiatus rumours that seem to be circulating here.
Result:DX - HHH & HBK win
1 Point Awarded

Edge vs. John Cena

WWE Championship - Title Changes Hands on a DQ

Prophecy:Well, for now it seems like Cena's going to win the gold again, but then again the fans would hate that. I can't add much to the discussion - Cena will no longer be a candidate for the Championship SummerSlam, he'll feud with someone else or take a break.
Result:Edge wins
1 Point Awarded

Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio

Eddie's Storyline Continues

Prediction:Chavo Guerrero
Prophecy:Vince is not fair enough to let his dead cash cow rest in peace as long as there are still dollars to be milked, so they'll keep the feud going for a lot longer. I'll prophesize an unfair win for Chavo.
Result:Chavo Guerrero wins
1 Point Awarded

King Booker vs. Batista

World Championship

Prophecy:As we all know, Booker's the champ only because WWE couldn't make Batista crush Mysterio. Batista will definitely get the gold, but it is not crystal clear it'll happen here; homewer, since it is the second-biggest PPV of the year, I predict they're too anxious to see Batista with the belt and this story will be over in just one match.
Result:Batista wins
1 Point Awarded

Mick Foley vs. Ric Flair

"I Quit" Match

Prediction:Mick Foley
Prophecy:Neither will quit. Foley will win, one way or another, just because Flair won the last time.
Result:Ric Flair wins
0 Points Awarded

Big Show vs. Sabu

ECW World Championship

Prophecy:I would've predicted a win for Big Show, but his failed interference in the ladder match made me think that his reign is over now. This one goes to Sabu.
Result:Big Show wins
0 Points Awarded
Total Points: 5

5 Points Earned | 71% Accurate

Ranked 3rd among Wise Ones for this event.