Brock Lesnar vs. Big Show
50 Oracles have spoken

Brock Lesnar
(48 predictions - 96%)

Big Show
(2 predictions - 4%)
Result:Brock Lesnar wins
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:With Mania on the horizon, it's time to start putting Lesnar over.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Having Show wins accomplishes nothing.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:In a rematch from the 2003 Royal Rumble, there is no reason for Big Show to win here. Big Show has made Brock look like a fool each week and now Brock will beat him at the PPV. Although this isn't a qualifying match like it was eleven years ago, I wouldn't be surprised to see Lesnar enter the rumble later in the night.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:They are doing this match to make Brock look strong and as a legitimate threat to the Undertaker's streak at Wrestlemania
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Brock will win and get into a title match, win that, and then will face Batista at Wrestlemania. He'll lose there and then disappear for 6 months.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:This match is the best lock for this ppv.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Lesnar needs to be built up for his inevitable big wm30 match so he'll appear as a big threat but will probably lose
This is my lock.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:need to push him strong if he going to face taker
This is my lock.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Absolutely BEAST! I guess they're using Big Show to give Lesnar some boosts for him to get to the title run. I think that Lesnar will win the title at EC, leading to the match between the Beast and The Animal. (or at least that's how WWE wants the fans to think)
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Big Show is on a roll, but his momentum will be stopped by Brock.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:I can't help but feel there might be a twist to it. Maybe a draw happens, or even Big Show wins, but it would be pointless to make it happen. I wanted to originally vote for Big Show, but it's too much of a risk because Lesnar was poorly hyped until now and needs hype for a big match. Hopefully it will be against The Undertaker, because Batista has already set his sights on the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Lesnar is the no1 contender, surely he has to win.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Is it 2003 again?
This is my lock.
Prediction:Big Show
Prophecy:Brock Lesnar is scared of Big Show silly. It would take his life just to enter the ring
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:No question at all. This is simply to make Brock dominant by slaying a giant in Big Show. Should be a sight to see the F5 on Show again 11 years later. Channeling my inner Cole and picturing the VINTAGE moment now.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Why would Show win? Lol
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Lesnar is returning to win, even though I'll be supporting Big Show myself. Lesnar hasn't been made to look that good even since his return in 2012 against Cena, he needs to go on to big things at Wrestlemania. Perhaps he'll win a number one contender's match against Batista for the title next PPV.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Lesnar's likely going into a big match at Wrestlemania, so he'll need a win to build him up.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:This is just a stepping stone for Lesnar. Big Show has been built as a major threat only to hype this match, but this match was destined to end in an F5 since it was booked. This has a chance of being a really good match anyway. Locked.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prophecy:Nothing much to say, everyone knows Lesnar Wins here & faces either Batista or The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 30 .
This is my lock.