Kane vs. Booker T

Are Crowns Flammable?

90 Oracles have spoken

(41 predictions - 45.56%)
Booker T
Booker T
(49 predictions - 54.44%)
Result:Kane wins

Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:This could go either way. Booker seems to get more wins these days than Kane, so I'll go with him for now. I can't believe Booker T is still going by King Booker. I still refuse to change his icon.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:King Booker for now. Yeah sylvester, we always get it before the states.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:Gotta go with the book man this time around.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:Last time a match like this occured the face won so this time I'm going with the heel.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:Heya, has anyone from Australia noticed that on FOX 8 we get WWE Smackdown on a Friday afternoon. Which in turn means that it must be filmed in the states on a thursday night in America. Scratch scratch... I thought it was supposed to be filmed on friday nights in the states. After watching each week i then jump on the official website and notice that very strangely the preview for the show is up but not the results by which time I already know them. They're infact not even up til one or two days later. If anyone could shed some light on this please do so. Cheers, Sylvester.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:Booker was World Heavyweight Champ not that long ago (And was the best world champ the WWE had), yet since losing the title he hasn't been doing much. Kane had a fued with MVP recently which helped establish MVP as a potential up and coming heel, but when all was said and done Kane won the fued. Who will win this one? Booker needs a win at the PPV as he's more likely to take a step back into the main event soon. Kane will have to bow before the king here.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:Changing votes after SmackDown's events.
Prophecy:Sylvester, I have always wondered about our broadcast time as well, here in Aus... we always seem to get Smackdown before it's shown in the States. Not really sure why. On to the match, tough call, I'll go with Kane after what happened at the Rumble. I wish Booker would go back to being Booker T...and drop Sharmell. Maybe they could set up these 2 at Wrestlemania for a Number 1 contender's match for the Title.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:This one is also a tough call. Personally, I think Kane deserves to win this match. The big red monster hasn't been used right in years, so unfortunately I see Booker taking the win.
Prophecy:booker will get DQED
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:Doesn't really make much difference. Whoever wins will have more momentum in Wrestlemania, but they'll both probably be in matches.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:Kane is being wasted. He is a giant character who could have a good storyline. They need to make this something good or find him something else because this is weak. As more of a waste, I have a feeling Booker has a push coming. This might be the start. Leading into Wrestlemania.
Prophecy:mm kane should win this n go on n win a money in d bank match at wrestlemania if there is 1
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:Just for now, he seems to be the most likely candidate.
Prophecy:Kane's about due for a big victory.
Prophecy:im gonna go kane here for some reason...i dont know why, i just know that this is really a 50/50 kind of match and kane needs it a little bit more so they can get him going on smackdown
Prophecy:Kane will destroy Booker T.
Prophecy:This is a pointless, but still a decent match. I see Kane getting the win heading into Wrestlemania. One more thing Booker, YOU AINT KING ANYMORE, STOP BEING KING BOOKER, AND GO BACK TO BOOKER T.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:I want King Bookah to win, but he always seems to get buried by Kane. On the other hand, Kane got the advantage sorta last Smackdown! so Booker might do a roll-up or something.
Prediction:Booker T
Prophecy:Queen Charmel will low blow kane when the refs not looking