Umaga vs. Ken Kennedy vs. Carlito

Triple Threat Match for the Intercontinental Title

98 Oracles have spoken

(18 predictions - 18.37%)
Ken Kennedy
Ken Kennedy
(50 predictions - 51.02%)
(30 predictions - 30.61%)
Result:Umaga wins

Prophecy:This one could go to any one of these guys. I see Umaga as a transitional champion. He's done it before with the IC Title. Kennedy will have his hands full with Lashley when he comes back, so I don't see him with anything less than a World title. I'm going with Carlito for now. He makes a good champion.
Prophecy:No feud here.
Prediction:Ken Kennedy
Prophecy:Carlio needs this one but I've heard rumors that Kennedy will take this one.
Prophecy:I like All of these Three guys and this could be a show stealer but Umagua will retain at least untill the identity of Mcmahon's bastard child is revealed.
Prediction:Ken Kennedy
Prophecy:He needs some gold now that he is on RAW. Carlito was pretty much just brought back up to the main event cards hanging with names like John Cena and Randy Ortan. If he was just pulled back to the top, he will not be automaticaly be handed a title. Umaga was just turned face. For some reason, these days, the WWE is against keeping the titles on faces. Most titles belong to heel wrestlers. Kennedy just needs a title. IFnot the WWE ittle, Then the I.C. Title.
Prediction:Ken Kennedy
Prophecy:This makes up for these three getting sbubbed from last year's summerslam, this match can and will go either way here, but I am gonna pick Mr. Kennedy to pin Carlito, win the Intercontinental Championship and turn face here, either way I see an Intercontinental Title Change!
Prediction:Ken Kennedy
Prophecy:MISTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEEEENNNNNNEEEEEDDDDDDDYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! Keennnnnneeeeeddddddyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
Prophecy:I think with his new face turn, they need to build him up a bit as a 'good guy.'
Prophecy:No idea.
Prophecy:I see Kennedy and U-MAN-GA feuding after this. Carlito can start up a new angle as champ.
Prophecy:See Tocc.
Prediction:Ken Kennedy
Prophecy:kennedy deserves this title and i c him winning here
Prediction:Ken Kennedy
Prophecy:i've been back and forth with this match so many times, but ill definitely go with kennedy now...i didnt think he would win because of the vince angle, but that wont officially happen until the end of october, which gives kennedy about 2 months to have a minor run with a major title around his ill go kennedy pinning carlito, with umaga not getting "hurt" with his win/loss record
Prophecy:I dunno, something just tells me he will retain the title, cause the other two just dont seem right for the title right now at this time.
Prophecy:Carlito deserves it. Umaga hasn't really done much, and he's the kind of guy that all he needs to do is mess people up. He doesn't need to be champ to do that.
Prediction:Ken Kennedy
Prophecy:Tough call.
Prophecy:Tough match, its always nice to come to back from a holiday in france and see that all ur fav wrestlers Randy orton , kennedy,carltio HHH all have a match and i really dont mind who wins out of kennedy and carlito . But carlitos been getting alot of air time recently and deafeting the wwe champ a few weeks back should give him a advantage also he deserves the title cas in my opinon he should be a 2 time i.c champ by now and thats cool but then again kennedy who will defaintly be a future world champ some day should get the win 2 build him up or mayber umaga will just win which i hope wont happen i fink umaga will do his finsher (which i've suddenly forgot what its called) on kennedy and before he gets the cover Backstabber by carlito 2 win the match. Either way carlito or kennedy 2 win this match dont mind who. Kennedyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Prophecy:Carlito i think. To then set up a feud with Kennedy to build Kennedy up to main event stature.
Prediction:Ken Kennedy
Prophecy:kenendy will be champion next year he will win this belt for now great match i think
Prophecy:well well idk