Chris Jericho vs. Edge
World Heavyweight Championship
88 Oracles have spoken

Chris Jericho
(13 predictions - 14.77%)

(75 predictions - 85.23%)
Result:Chris Jericho wins
Prophecy:It's on as expected. Jericho makes a good transitional champion... But with every additional spear I'm starting to doubt this pick more and more. This feud has been so one-sided in Edge's favor. There's no question in my mind that Edge will take the title from Jericho. I'm just starting to wonder if it will be delayed until Backlash.
Prophecy:I really do think that Jericho should retain his title at wm26 which would make the rivalry more interesting leading towards Extreme rules ppv but as for Edge goes, he won the 2010 Royal rumble and to comeback from injury and win it's a big thing and that really happens usually. As for last two years goes the winner of the royal rumble indeed lost the chance in becoming champion for example: Cena, Orton, so i personally believe Edge should win at wm26 as it would help make maintain the RR record unique but their is one more thing i need to add is that i do think the winner of the MITB match will indeed cash his briefcase the same night to become either wwe or world champion as mitb ppv is just months away but nonetheless i predict Edge winning his 10th championship at Wrestlemania 26.
Prophecy:He's the Rumble winner so he should get the belt.
Prophecy:He is destined to win this since he got injured... When has the guy returning from injury ever lost by returning at Wrestlemania??
(Undertaker, HHH, Austin quickly come to mind.)
Prophecy:I have always been a Jerichoholic and as much as I would love to say Y2J will keep the title, grow his hair out, start wearing long pants and flashy vests and become the ayatollah of rock and rolla we know and isn't going to least not yet. Edge will win the World title and get his revenge for how Jericho bad mouthed him when he got injured...poor think you know me.
Prophecy:i agree with the tocc
Prophecy:This is a safe pick. It's always nice to see Jericho as champ too...even if it is for about the duration of an extended honeymoon.
This is my lock.
Prophecy:It is expected this year that the royal rumble winner Edge will pick up the victory and the Championship in this years WM, unlike the previous sucessors who could not capitalize on their WM matches. So im pulling for Edge to be the new world champ at WM26 besides i would like to see Edge wipe off that smug smirk on Y2j's face.
Prophecy:This should be a quality main event. Could even reach five star level.
Prophecy:I like Jericho, but Edge just came back, and he's got good cheers going for him, so I say he wins.
Prophecy:spear hits
Prophecy:I am really pumped about this match. The tension and the conflict between these two will tell a great story in the ring, and expect the lead up to it to be outstanding. These two can definitely step up to the plate and deliver, and I'm going with Edge winning the title in what is sure to be a great match.
Prediction:Chris Jericho
Prophecy:Christians gonna win the money in the bank then hes going to cash it in on jericho on the same night
Prediction:Chris Jericho
Prophecy:I'm not completely convinced that Jericho will lose the title at mania. Makes for better wwe drama.
Prophecy:He will win for sure.
Prediction:Chris Jericho
Prophecy:Looking forward to seeing this match and the title just adds to the match. The last 2 years the rumble winners have lost, but Edge always gets the upper hand on Smackdown, and theres always a title shocker at Mania so im going with Jericho to steal one here.
Prediction:Chris Jericho
Prophecy:I don't see both main championships changing hand after just one PPV, so I'm gonna pick Jericho to retain here.
Prophecy:This match has been in the making since the summer and with these two Canadians going at it, it should be the match of the night.
Prophecy:He deserves this title.
Prophecy:Everybody knew that this match was going to happen and I think that most people will agree that Edge will and should win.