Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Winner Gets a World Title Shot
87 Oracles have spoken

(57 predictions - 65.52%)

Drew McIntyre
(21 predictions - 24.14%)

Dolph Ziggler
(0 predictions - 0%)

Evan Bourne
(1 prediction - 1.15%)

Jack Swagger
(3 predictions - 3.45%)

(1 prediction - 1.15%)

Kofi Kingston
(2 predictions - 2.3%)

Matt Hardy
(1 prediction - 1.15%)

(0 predictions - 0%)

Shelton Benjamin
(1 prediction - 1.15%)
Result:Jack Swagger wins
Prediction:Drew McIntyre
Prophecy:I'd like to see Shelton take this one, but he's always overlooked. Christian and Kofi are strong picks who are over enough to challenge for a title, but with Cena and Edge on the verge of taking the belts, one of the three heels should win to setup a future feud. Of all their storylines, McIntyre's is the one that is really leading up to a victory here. The way McIntyre was added to this match with three chances and two losses expunged from the record makes me think he'll take it. Plus, how long can the announcers drone on about Vince McMahon tapping Drew as a future world champion before he actually fulfills the prophecy? They'll give the young guy a short run with the belt (just like they did with Sheamus) within the year.
Prophecy:There's a lot of talent here, all of which would be great to see win, but it seems Christian is the clear choice to win. Kofi seems to be a close second though.
Prophecy:Christian is coming off of the ecw title run he going to became the next money in the bank winner
Prophecy:I was saying this before and i am saying this again that no matter what happens i really prefer Christian to walk out of Wrestlemania 26 as the new World champion after cashing his MITB shot same night after Edge/Jericho match because MITB ppv is just months away and i would certainly prefer the winner of the MITB should cash that opportunity same night to become the World Champion, So predicted winner Christian.
Prediction:Drew McIntyre
Prophecy:He'll win and try to take advantage of the title that night and lose to whoever's the champ.
Prediction:Drew McIntyre
Prophecy:I would love to see Christian win the Money in the Bank ladder match but that was until Drew Mcintyre was added to the mix, like i said before MITB is always the most unpredictable match of WM but since Drew struggled so hard to get this spot, i mean he had to have two losses expunged three attempts somethings gotta give and Mr. Mcmahons chosen one has to prove himself here so u gotta believe that he has to win here the way he earned his shot at this opportunity, btw i would also like shelton to win as he is overdue.
Prophecy:This would be the hardest match to pick with 10 superstars so going through the list with only using one word to describe them; Shelton Benjamin : Disappointment, Matt Hardy : Wasteful, Kane : One-Time, Evan Bourne : Elevation, Drew McIntyre : Future, MVP : Middle, Kofi Kingston : Excitment, Jack Swagger : Wrestler, Dolph Ziggler : Finese, Christian : NEXTWWECHAMPION!!!!
Prediction:Drew McIntyre
Prophecy:With 10 friggin people in the match, this is pretty damn tough...well actually I only think 3/10 of them have a chance in hell. Even though Matt, Shelton, and Kane totally deserve it after all these years, I don't think it will happen. MVP, Dolph and Swagger have no chance and I wonder if anyone will even notice they are in the match. Evan and Kofi will help Shelton with some of the crazy high spots. This leaves Christian and Drew. I would love to see Christian win and then cash the money in the bank briefcase in at the end of the night and beat Edge. That would be classic! However, I honestly see Drew taking it. I think they have spent way too much time talking about how Vince sees him as the future champion, etc. He will win and cash it in to become champion for a while just like Sheamus got his short run.
Prophecy:For now, I'm going with Christian. This is Shelton's fifth MITB match, so at some point he would seem due for a win. Ziggler is still up and coming and could really use an IC title reign before winning a match of this magnitude. Kane deserves another run at the top, but I doubt that he'll get the nod here. MVP will probably serve the same purpose he has in previous MITB matches. It's good to see Swagger and Bourne get some recognition and a spot on the card, but they will ultimately come up short. Same goes for Hardy. McIntyre has a very good chance here given him being "hand picked" by Vince. Kofi has a very good shot as well, but I think he is in need of another good push before winning a match of this magnitude. Christian deserves a big win here after being a team player and carrying ECW for an ENTIRE year. I'm sticking with Captain Charisma for the time being.
Prophecy:I feel so confident in this pick that I'm almost sure I'll be wrong. I can safely say that Benjamin, Bourne, Kane, Hardy and Ziggler have no chance of winning. MVP, McIntyre and Swagger are all long shots plus Kofi when he inevitably gets added. Christian seems like the logical choice. Once again, I'm so sure that I'd bet good money that I'm wrong.
Prophecy:umm cuz Stonecold said so??
Prediction:Drew McIntyre
Prophecy:This will probably set up a future feud with Edge later down the road.
Prophecy:It will be Kofi i think, so this is a spot holder, i want Christian to win it though
Prophecy:Push Christian!
Prediction:Drew McIntyre
Prophecy:i thought about my pick earlier which was christian turning heel and beating edge. Look at thepeeps in the match. NOBODY in this match on raw has a chance.its either Christian or McIntyre. Edge is gonna win so its either Christian vs edge or mcintyre vs edge at extreme rules. this is gonna bejust like sheamus. theyre gonna give him a short run with the belt then hes gonna get his first official loss for the wwe title
Prophecy:The proper choice is "Christian", but I will go with my favorite choice....Kane!
Prediction:Drew McIntyre
Prophecy:They're going to keep pushing Mcintntyre so he may win this one.
Prophecy:I really don't know. Shelton deserves it, but Christian does also. I would be happy if Kofi won it, but I think Captain Charisma will finally get the push he deserves.
Prediction:Drew McIntyre
Prophecy:His time
Prediction:Jack Swagger
Prophecy:I really want to see him win it. He does deserve a title shot.