Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy
WWE Championship
84 Oracles have spoken

Triple H
(62 predictions - 73.81%)

Jeff Hardy
(18 predictions - 21.43%)
(4 Predictions - 4.76%)
Result:Triple H wins
Prediction:Jeff Hardy
Prophecy:When in doubt, go with HHH, but I just feel like it's Hardy's time. HHH has been acting strangely lately - almost too elitist and fake. It's as if he knows his reign is coming to an end. I thought Hardy might be shuffled off into a feud with Koslov but since Koslov is attacking HHH as well it's clear he's just a wildcard. Maybe his involvement will lead to HHH dropping the belt. Then Koslov can feud with HHH since they seem to be avoiding a HHH - Hardy feud so far.
Prediction:Triple H
Prophecy:Only the start to an extended feud.
Prophecy:why would they build of kozlov if they didn't want him to interfere
Prediction:Triple H
Prophecy:A person like Hardy winning the title would probably occur at Mania, although I wouldn't completely rule it out here, it's really not likely.
Prophecy:saw spoiler
Prediction:Triple H
Prophecy:king of kings will win ; to extend the fued between the 2 of them ; maybe hardy will win it at the 2009 royal rumble or WWE Wrestlemania 25 ?
Prediction:Triple H
Prophecy:When in doubt,go with H.
Prediction:Triple H
Prophecy:I wanted to believe that Jeff Hardy was going to be the new champ, i really did. But he's just not ready and doesnt have enough crowd support as he did earlier this year. Plus he had another incident about being smashed at an airport. Another words, HHH retains.
Prediction:Jeff Hardy
Prophecy:Every time I think Jess is finally going to win a major title, something happens...but I am going to go with him again and hope he finally takes it!
Prediction:Triple H
Prophecy:lose to hardy later on
Prediction:Triple H
Prophecy:I?ll have to bet Triple H on this one. I love Jeff Hardy but I think they?re putting him down on the matches. Triple H has had a major number of PPV wins and I don?t think those number of winnings will cut now. Jeff needs a hug after this. lol.
Prediction:Triple H
Prophecy:I don't see Hardy winning yet, even though Triple H is totally putting him over. If it doesn't happen now, it's probably not gonna happen at Cyber Sunday so Hardy's real title shot will happen at Survivor Series.
Anther thing i found interesting was that WWE doesnt want screenshots from SVR09 showing HHH in a vulnerable position. Trying to make the champ look respectable, or trying to make HHH look respectable?
This is my lock.
Prediction:Triple H
Prophecy:I really want Jeff Hardy to win this title, but I think that Vladimir Koslov or Edge will interfere and cost Jeff the match. I think the writers are saving this title to be dropped to either Big Show (since he just turned heel) or to Jeff Hardy later down the road.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Triple H
Prophecy:Most certainly.
Prediction:Jeff Hardy
Prophecy:By DQ.
Prediction:Triple H
Prophecy:i think hhh will win because i cant see Hardy beating him for the title
Prediction:Jeff Hardy
Prophecy:Triple H has been taunting Jeff about how Jeff has never been able to grab the brass ring. This could mean two things: 1. H retains, but Jeff earns his respect. 2. Jeff proves H wrong.
I'm leaning towards 2.
Prediction:Jeff Hardy
Prophecy:It is jeff's time to shine. he will win due to the fact that he was only 1 second away from the title at unforgiven.
This is my lock.
Prediction:Triple H
Prophecy:I really want to pick Jeff here. But the deck seems too stacked against him. At the moment, aside from Taker or Big Show, he is the only guy on Smackdown who I believe will dethrone Trips. But for now, I see Trips retaining. Look for this feud to continue to Survivor Series.
Prediction:Triple H
Prophecy:not sure though could be hardy